Bunny Plaque

BunnyI was inspired last weekend to make this little bunny plaque for my living room! I just felt like my Easter décor needed a little something more, and a bunny with a puffy tail is what I came up with!  It was really easy to make, and is super cute.

Bunny - materialsMaterials:

  • Wooden plaque (I got mine at Michael’s)
  • Sand paper (if the wood is a little rough)
  • Craft paint and paint brush
  • White felt
  • White pom-pom puff
  • Scissors
  • Bunny - painted plaqueAdhesive of some sort (I used double sided tape and hot glue)


  1. If needed, sand your wood piece a little to smooth it out. Mine maybe could have used a little more sanding, but I think it’s ok…
  2. Paint the wood! I think I gave it about 3 coats.
  3. Bunny - traced on feltCut out your bunny! I am not good at drawing, so I found a little bunny image online that I printed out and traced onto my felt.
  4. Attach the bunny to the wood! I have had bad experiences with Elmer’s glue and felt, so I decided to use double sided scrapbook adhesive. It worked really well.
  5. Attach the puff to the bunny! I used hot glue to do this.
  6. Place your finished bunny plaque somewhere in your house and admire its cuteness! I used a little wire easel to hold it up.

Bunny - out on display